After retirement Gary met and married Dianne, who had been a teacher in Havelock, and they moved to Peterborough. The two of them look after an acre of property on a hill overlooking the city. They decided join the Master Gardeners several years ago on Dianne's suggestion (Gary says Dianne is the brains of the operation).
Master Gardeners, are volunteers, who to help others garden and in doing so the Master Gardeners improve their own skills and knowledge. For a couple of years Gary was a Director on the board of Master Gardeners of Ontario. Dianne is the Coordinator for the Peterborough and Area Master Gardeners and Dianne and Gary are the Editors of the Master Gardeners of Ontario Newsletter.
Gardening is an intellectual and creative hobby that also gives us an opportunity for some exercise. The care and design of gardens is so complicated, that no gardener will ever totally master it and the people who try are interesting to spend time with. There is no better thing to do as you get older.